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Record and automatically transcribe meetings, calls and interviews


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Meeting notes
Transcription tool
Tactiq is an AI tool that records and transcribes meetings, calls, and interviews, helping you write follow-up emails and to-do lists, and providing auto-suggestions for better emails, with 92% accuracy and the ability to highlight and categorize important points.
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AI tool Advantages icon Advantages

  • Record and transcribe meetings
  • Helps with follow-up emails
  • Easy to use

AI tool disadvantages icon Disadvantages

  • May not catch all words
  • Higher pricing for iOS
  • Bad audio lowers transcription accuracy

Plans and pricing icon Plans and pricing

  • Free
  • $12 per month
  • $24 per month

Open Source


Most suitable professions

YouTube video Video

Use cases

  • Record and transcribe meetings
  • Write follow up emails and to-do lists
  • Convert real-time speech-to-text


Performance: Good, easy to use, impressive. Accuracy: 92% transcribed accurately.

Target audience

  • Professionals who need to record and transcribe meetings, calls, and interviews
  • People who want to improve their email writing skills
  • Individuals who require real-time speech-to-text conversion

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