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Sheety AI Formula Generator

Generate Excel and Sheets formulas for free


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Sheets formula generation
Generate Excel formula
Sheety.ai Formula Generator is an AI tool that helps you create formulas for Google Sheets. It makes it easy to generate custom formulas tailored to your needs, even if you’re not an expert in spreadsheet formulas. Sheety.ai can save you time and effort by quickly providing you with the perfect formula for your Google Sheets project.
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AI tool Advantages icon Advantages

  • Generates formulas for both Excel and Google Sheets
  • Easy to use
  • Free

AI tool disadvantages icon Disadvantages

  • Formula suggestions may not always be accurate or relevant
  • No other features

Plans and pricing icon Plans and pricing

  • Free

Open Source


Most suitable professions

Use cases

  • Generate Excel formulas
  • Generate Google sheet formulas

Target audience

  • Office workers
  • Accountants
  • Assistants
  • Businessman

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