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Consistent image generation for game assets


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Generate game images
Train image model
Scenario is an AI-powered tool for game developers that facilitates the creation of unique and style-consistent game assets, like images. It offers several advantages, such as accelerating asset ideation, visual iterations, and effectively engaging early testers. However, there are also some limitations, including the potential lack of human creativity and contextual understanding, dependence on training data quality, and the need for initial setup and training.
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AI tool Advantages icon Advantages

  • Easily design of new worlds, items, or experiences
  • Ability to adjust and refine the generated assets
  • API integration available

AI tool disadvantages icon Disadvantages

  • Initial setup is long

Plans and pricing icon Plans and pricing

  • Free
  • $29 per user per month
  • $99 per user per month
  • $199 per user per month

Open Source


Most suitable professions

YouTube video Video

Use cases

  • Generate game assets in form of images
  • Fine-tune an AI model for game image generation
  • Edit and inpaint generated assets

Target audience

  • Game developers
  • Game designers


Scenario can be used from a website or a mobile iOS or Android App.

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