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Text to image and image to image texture creator


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Text to image
Image to image
An image to pattern tool, which is useful for quickly sampling textures and creating mood boards, reducing time spent experimenting with different styles.
Screenshot of the homepage of www.patterned.ai

AI tool Advantages icon Advantages

  • Quickly create textures
  • Create mood boards easily
  • 20 free credits for new users

AI tool disadvantages icon Disadvantages

  • No trial period

Plans and pricing icon Plans and pricing

  • Free 20 credits
  • $10 per month
  • $30 per month
  • $60 per month

Open Source


Most suitable professions

YouTube video Video

Use cases

  • “Image to pattern”
  • Quickly sample textures
  • Create mood boards and find inspiration
  • Create seamless patterns for design projects
  • Create social backgrounds

Target audience

  • New users
  • Designers
  • Product managers

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