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Move Ai

Video to 3D animation, motion capture tool


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Motion capture
Video to 3D animation
Move.ai is the best and most affordable motion capture software on the market, revolutionizing the industry by requiring only two minimum cameras and delivering clean and professional 3D animations with tons of retargeting options and excellent customer support.
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AI tool Advantages icon Advantages

  • Best, simplest, and most affordable mocap software
  • Works with only 2 cameras minimum
  • Produces extremely clean output

AI tool disadvantages icon Disadvantages

  • May require multiple iPhones
  • Relies on camera tracking
  • Not suitable for all mocap needs

Plans and pricing icon Plans and pricing

  • Free
  • $365 per year
  • $0.04 per animation second

Open Source


Most suitable professions

YouTube video Video

Use cases

  • Capture motion from performers using only 2 cameras minimum
  • Generate 3D motion capture files such as FBX that can be retargeted to various software
  • Ability to capture multiple performers at once with no drift


Move.ai is an affordable and high-quality motion capture software that produces extremely clean output and makes 3D animations look professional.

Target audience

  • Individuals interested in animation
  • Professionals in the animation industry


Works with minimum 2 cameras, compatible with various software, no drift.

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