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Vision-language understanding for various tasks.


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Vision-language understanding
MiniGPT-4 is an AI chatbot similar to ChatGPT, however, MiniGPT supports images. The chatbot can understand both text and images. You can do things using an image making it possible to write stories, describe pictures, solve problems, and even teach people how to cook from food photos.

AI tool Advantages icon Advantages

  • Enhances vision-language understanding
  • Capable of generating detailed image descriptions
  • Highly computationally efficient

AI tool disadvantages icon Disadvantages

  • Requires frozen visual encoder
  • Only uses one projection layer
  • Limited to image-text tasks

Plans and pricing icon Plans and pricing

Free and open-source software

Open Source


Most suitable professions

YouTube video Video

Use cases

  • Generate image descriptions
  • Create websites from drafts
  • Write stories and poems
  • Teach cooking from photos


MiniGPT-4 enhances vision-language understanding and is highly computationally efficient.

Target audience

  • AI researchers
  • Developers
  • Content creators

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