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Automate Meta Ad campaigns for leads


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Create Meta ad campaigns
Email automation
LoopGenius is an AI-powered marketing platform that helps businesses attract customers through targeted advertising campaigns. It offers automated ad creation, automated lead emails, and upsell email recommendations.
Screenshot of the homepage of www.loopgenius.com

AI tool Advantages icon Advantages

  • Automated ad campaign creation
  • Targeted lead generation
  • Managed ad campaigns

AI tool disadvantages icon Disadvantages

  • Limited customization options
  • Dependence on data quality may not be suitable for all business types

Plans and pricing icon Plans and pricing

  • Free
  • $79 per month

Open Source


Most suitable professions

YouTube video Video

Use cases

  • Create ad campaigns
  • Manage ad campaigns
  • Generate leads
  • Send lead emails

Target audience

  • Marketers
  • Small business owners
  • Service providers

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