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Generate summaries from various sources, including text, articles, and videos.


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Video summarization
Summarize content
KeyTake is an AI tool designed to summarize podcasts, webinars, tutorials, tech reviews, and other content, providing key insights and enabling users to learn efficiently. It uses AI to analyze content and provide a short summary, allowing users to quickly determine the relevance of the material. Additionally, KeyTake features an expert companion AI that can answer any question related to the chosen content, ensuring no details are missed.
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AI tool Advantages icon Advantages

  • Summarize any content
  • Provides key insights
  • Ability to chat with a video

AI tool disadvantages icon Disadvantages

  • May not fully grasp context

Plans and pricing icon Plans and pricing

  • Waitlist

Open Source


Most suitable professions

Use cases

  • Summarize audio and video content
  • Provide key insights from educational materials
  • Assist in learning and retaining information

Target audience

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Students
  • Professionals

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